
God Has Given You Everything (Short)

God has given me everything. All that I am comes from the universal source of all beings. The infinite, undifferentiated consciousness that we all arise from. From within emerges the dream of all that I can be. I have the intelligence and creativity to realize the dream. Desire in abundance that fuels my passion and […]

Everything Has Led You To Now (Short)

Everything has led you to now. Every path that you have taken, with every twist, turn, and tangent has accumulated to lead you to exactly where you are right now. I cannot explain to you the feeling of this understanding. The absolute certainty in the awareness itself, because certainty is not always constant. I oscillate […]

Setting Goals

Setting Goals is how we establish importance in our minds. It is the act of impressing upon ourselves our priorities, choosing to consciously realize what’s most valuable to us, while at the same time affirming our dedication to progress, growth, and development in these specific areas with daily action. What we choose to focus our […]

Live As A Warrior

To Live as a Warrior is a spirit that defines how we act. A spirit of will, discipline, focus, determination, and an indomitable spirit that refuses to give up no matter how insurmountable the challenges in front of us appear to be. Hercules when tasked with his Twelve Labours, who was simply not capable of […]

Take Time To Deeply Establish A New Habit

Take time to deeply establish a new habit. Success in any endeavor is built on the foundation of solid, high-quality habits which set and maintain us on a trajectory of growth and development. When we establish the right habits — those which are conducive to mastery, learning, and growth along our specific path — these […]

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Unified Physics (The Holographic Universe)

The Phantom DNA Effect of Dr. Peter Gariaev (Short)

The DNA of living beings has a mind-blowing capacity that has not yet been understood since its discovery almost 40 years ago: it absorbs, emits, and organizes light in subtle energy fields. In 1985 the Russian scientists Dr. Peter Gariaev and Dr. Vladimir Poponin were studying the effects of laser light on DNA. A sample […]

Spiritual Awakening :: Integrating With Infinite Consciousness

Spiritual Awakening is both an event and a process, one which is intrinsically defined by a shift in awareness within the individual into consistent experiences of spirit, which can be classified essentially as ‘mystical’ experiences. This has nothing to do with intellect, thinking, learning, faith, or belief. It is a dramatic and transformative shift in […]

The Resolution of the Self

The Resolution of the Self takes place throughout the process of spiritual development as a gradual shift within the individual towards greater alignment with, experience of, and identification with Spirit, attained through successive levels of “higher consciousness”. In general terms this is what spiritual development and Resolution of the Self are. From a subjective perspective […]

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